JWs Suck
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I wrote a letter of complaint about a Witness....
by Dolllie inand sent it to the watchtower society.
the witness was/is a "racist".
i was told by her that i could not go to the local kingdom hall, or have a copy of the watchtower or awake because i was black.
the most inconseqvent rule among JWs
by happy man ini can take one exampel.. we all now about the polyci to convickt sexabuser ot pedofiles,you must have two wittneses to what happend if not we must putt it i n jehovas hand,.
but if you sleep over together before you are married, you dont need any wittneses att al to be dfd or reeprofed, even if it is a third person ther it is an dfd thing says the elder book.enen if it is an third person ther.. why it is so important widh two wittneses to judge sexabuser, but when it comes to peopel as doing nothing only sleep over in the same department it need no wittneses att al to bad things happend to dfd them.. so you can be harder judged if you only sleep in a bed than if you rape chilrden, or sex abuse them in any way,this is not so unusal, i have among my family peopel as have been judged fore this minor thing, sleeping over widhuot doing anything, the punishment was totaly reeprof.. i have also exampel from elder as have use girls under 15 fore porniea, and the punishment was only steep down as an elder.. some very hard things to deal widh fore mee and some alse as now this.. i can also ask one more qestion, wt have told us to tell evrythnig bad we do at once, but if we hide it fore a long time, how will it effeckt the puishment?.
softer or harder , intresting to see what your answer on this is, i new it and will tell later.. ..